FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real
We have some rather valuable protective mechanisms in place, that perhaps were serving a very good purpose at one point in time. However, when the energy supporting those safety switches gets out of balance, we can find ourselves living a fear-based life. What about the "voice of reason"? Tait likes to remind us that the very first voice we hear is our intuition, or source energy guiding us. Everything after that initial thought is coming from fear. Fear is an aspect of the kidney and bladder function energy. The main job here is elimination. If you followed our post about the index finger then you know how they support one another. To be brought up to speed on this index finger/ bladder/ kidney connection, you can go to the blog page on our website: www.exquisitehealing.com. Our bladder is storing the waste produced by the kidneys, on a physical level. The energy of the bladder function is also holding onto the waste produced by our unhealthy thoughts, habits, actions, and beliefs. Perhaps it would be helpful to consider our "waste" as something that once served a purpose, but is now simply occupying valuable space. Imagine your closet is full of clothes you wore when you were an infant. There is no reason to keep them. They are accumulating dust, and cluttering your space, literally preventing you from being able to put new clothes that fit you in your closet. The old clothes themselves are not bad. It is the action, or the habit of holding onto them that is causing the disharmony. In this example, the mind is intent on keeping something that the body has outgrown. Mary Burmeister believed fear to be the attitude at the root of all other attitudes. Thus, when we harmonize the bladder and kidney function energy, we are balancing the attitude of fear. This, in turn, is harmonizing the attitudes of stress, anxiety, sadness, grief, anger, frustration, pushing to make things happen, and pretense. When we are in the position of holding onto that which is no longer serving the greatest good, we are being motivated by fear. "What if I need that someday?" "What if I fail?" "What if I get hurt/sick?" "What if…?" I used to say that was the "what if" monster talking. Now I believe it is the energy of my unbalanced bladder and/or kidney function energy expressing itself. This experience can trigger certain hormonal reactions, leading to a kind of high, a rush, a buzz, which can be fairly addictive. By bringing awareness into the moments when we are acting from a place of fear, we begin seeing how often this is happening. When this is occurring frequently, there might be other indications of this energy imbalance appearing on the physical level (for example: leaky bladder, bladder infections, or possibly bladder cancer, just to name a few). Let us stop here and be thoughtful about the spectrum. On one end we have fear, but on the other is courage and faith, or Fear Absent In The Heart. Ideally, we are existing somewhere in the middle of these extremes. If we are habitually over confident, and reckless with ourselves and/or others, this can also be an indication of kidney and bladder energy out of balance. Better that we are cautious when it is necessary, and confident when it is warranted. To practice this quickie on the left side of the body first, we are holding our left little toe in between the big and index toe of the right foot. At the same time, crossing the right hand behind the neck, and holding the area where the left side of the neck meets the very top of the arm/shoulder. If you prefer the traditional quickie, instead of holding your toe, you will be holding your left sitz bone (cheek of your bum) with your left hand while holding your neck. Another variation is to hold all three areas at once: the little toe, the sitz bone, and the side of the neck. Look at the picture and see where my hands/feet are. After resting in this position for at least 3 full breaths, we will switch sides. Hold the right little toe with the left foot, the right sitz bone with the right hand, and the right side of the neck with the left hand. Again, be with your breath for at least 3 full cycles. More is better. Smile, relax the shoulders, and enjoy the time spent getting to know yourself. With love and gratitude from Exquisite Healing, Amy & Tait 💚🙌 www.exquisitehealing.com
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