“Does it matter if I hold the left finger or the right finger first?”
This is a question Tait and I get often. The correct answer is yes and no. Let’s explore this a bit more. The body is a tool, and will adapt to how we are using it. In a previous post, we talked about how our energy is constantly flowing up the back (the inhale) and down the front (the exhale). Another interesting thing to consider is working with the left side versus the right side. On the left side: -energy of generation -projects dealing with our inheritance, our DNA, our family's story (addiction, abuse, illness, etc) -people may say things like, "it runs in the family", or "she's just like her mother/father/grandmother/etc" The energy is imprinting itself onto the cellular matrix of a being, and continually being passed on to the following generation. It is conscious energy, with its own innate intelligence. It has a strong desire to be expressed, whether that be in physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual aspects. We could even say, “where there is a will, there is a way”. On the right side: -energy of regeneration -projects reflecting our lifestyle -energy of the Now moment -What am I doing with the cards I was dealt in this life? -How are my life choices showing up in my body, my emotions, my reality? Taking this conversation a little deeper, we can understand that the “symptom” often shows up someplace other than where the cause is located. For example, when we injure the left ankle, many people will experience pain in the left knee, hip, or along the spine. Others might find that they develop pain on the right side. Now, going back to the question about which is better to hold first, left or right. Following this discussion, it becomes clear that we have the capacity to harmonize our energy efficiently. There are a lot of options. However, in the end, the energy will go to the place of need. There is a theory about the power of the mind, and how our thoughts are impacting our reality/experiences. For this reason, I strongly encourage everyone to relax the mind if possible, and hold whichever finger you are drawn to hold first. If it feels good, continue. If it is uncomfortable or unpleasant in any way, stop, and do something else. Read the posts pertaining to the finger/fingers you are most curious about again, but this time, add in the information we shared here today. Do you find that you now have additional insights to your projects? While you are thinking about this, hold your fingers, and breathe. Take at least 3 full breaths, beginning with the exhale. Every little bit counts. Drop your shoulders, smile, and get to know yourself. With love and gratitude from Exquisite Healing! Amy & Tait 💚🙌 www.exquisitehealing.com
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