I am pear shaped and act like a little pouch. I love liver, and am sometimes removed. What am I?
The gallbladder function energy is supporting our vascular and blood systems, while preparing and storing bile until the liver is ready to use it in the process of digesting. It is balancing the attitudes of anger and frustration, as well as the body, mind, and spirit when those scratchy feelings are invited in, and it is relaxing the mind, head, and brain as well as our nerves. It is not uncommon for us to hear our clients saying they are having “trouble” with their gallbladder, or the gall- bladder has already been removed. As a practitioner, it is relatively clear when these are the projects a client is working with. To have a better understanding of this energy, we can look towards the heavens. There are two planets governing the gallbladder function energy: Saturn (tradition, boundaries, limits, discipline), and Uranus (sudden change, revolution, shock, awakenings, originality, individuality). From these descriptions, the natural friction of the gallbladder function energy is apparent. Friction is necessary for a lot of processes. Often times, the emotion of anger has the capacity to bring us into a position of seeing a situation in a new light, more realistically. Anger and frustration can be viewed as more powerful and seemingly more empowering expressions of sorrow on the soul level. Physically and physiologically, the gallbladder function energy is offering the friction that is essential for breaking down foods higher in fat, grease, and fiber. When the physical organ is removed, the liver is continuing to produce bile, but when it needs more for breaking down these heavier foods, there is no longer a storage space for that bile. The liver is continually producing and then secreting generally the same amount of bile regardless of what the digestion is calling for. When there is no gallbladder and the bile is used up, there is no more until the liver produces more. This leads to physical discomforts because the digestion along with the filtration system (liver and kidneys) are having to work overtime when compensating for the physical gallbladder being gone or not working properly. Since the kidneys are responsible for cleaning the blood as it is circulating through the body, it is important that they not be burdened by imbalances in the gallbladder functions. It is no surprise that when Lumbar 4 is speaking to us, we can use gallbladder quickies described below to harmonize that energy of the spine in that location. Additionally, blood is the key (chi, ki) to our physical existence. It is the binding element of our life force energy found in the breath. Our blood is supplying every single cell in the body with life supporting oxygen, balancing the pH, and supporting the release of carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere. This is then taken up by plants through photosynthesis, processed, and released once again into the atmosphere as oxygen for all animals to breath, including humans. It is a beautiful symbiotic relationship, one that must not be taken for granted. The gallbladder function is also representing Aquarius energy, or the air carrying the water back to the earth so that new seeds can grow. This is infinity, eternity, the everlasting life force energy that cannot be destroyed, but rather transforms into what is most needed for the greatest good of all BEings. As we move further into this discussion, it can be helpful to know where the energy of gallbladder function is flowing in the body. It comes up the back of the neck, over the head, and does some zigzagging around the skull above the ear area before crossing into the front of the face, just below the eyes. As such, when gallbladder function energy is disharmonized, we can experience migraine pain and headaches, trouble concentrating, or hearing projects. The color associated with gallbladder energy is green, just like its energetic partner, the liver. So when somebody says something like they are green with envy, or they are experiencing greed, jealousy, or excessive amounts of green mucus coming out, these can all be indicators of an imbalance in the gallbladder function energy. A wonderful way to invite the harmony back in is by simply holding the middle fingers. If you want to know more about that, go to our website and scroll through the blogposts until reaching the one on the middle finger holds: www.exquisitehealing.com. As we are all unique in our life experiences, some may discover another option more pleasing for their situation. We can find a comfortable place to relax, take a few nice, even, slow, thoughtful breaths and begin to calm our mind. Placing the left hand on the left center of the neck (where the neck bends when we nod “yes”), while placing the right hand on the right side of the forehead just above the eye can allow the body, mind, and spirit to settle into a harmonious rhythm, bringing balance back into the flow of gallbladder function energy. Receive the breath. Feel the body and mind relaxing. After a few moments, or longer, switch to the other side, and place the right hand on the right back side of the neck with the left hand on the left side of the forehead. Continue receiving the breath, and being aware of what your body, mind, and spirit are saying in this now moment. Many thanks to Mary Burmeister and her teacher, Master Jiro Murai for sharing this profound Art of Living, and helping us all to Know Myself. With love and gratitude, Amy & Tait Exquisite Healing
What do you know about your liver? Have you ever thought about the way it is spelled: LIVE-R? Liver function energy is just that, it is how we live, and the binding force, the key or chi keeping everything else moving smoothly. It is governing the fluids in our body; not just the water but also the blood, secretions of the digestive system, oil on our skin, and any other fluid you can imagine. It acts as the lubrication for our entire being holistically speaking; physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically.
The liver has the highest capacity for regeneration of any internal organ. As such, when we want to regenerate something in our life, we can come to the liver function energy. This energy is connected to our ability to filter out toxins (again physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically) by way of our circulatory system. Liver function energy works with the vascular system: the circulation of the blood, as well as the distribution of our hormones, and anything related to reproduction (regeneration). The energy that we get from the food and water we consume is transported by the blood to every single cell of our body. According to Wonderopolis at https://www.wonderopolis.org/.../how-many-cells-are-in..., we have on average, as adults, “approximately 37.2 trillion cells”. Can you even begin to comprehend that number? We previously discussed the middle finger as being connected to the liver function energy (go to our blog and scroll down to the post on the middle finger if you missed it: www.exquisitehealing.com). It is associated with anger and frustration, or things that are green: envy or mucus. This is the liver function energy expressing itself when it is out of harmony. Think about things that can be scratchy: experiences, thoughts, or inflammation in the body. This scratchy feeling is speaking to a need for lubrication. Whether we are “inflamed” about an argument, or our joints are inflamed, we can work with the liver function energy to bring that back to a state of balance. We are also dealing with flexibility (in body, mind, emotion, spirit), changing our perspective, or our position; maybe that is referring to our position in life, or simply our position on the couch. This is also about projects of abundance. Any time there is too much or too little of anything the liver function energy can help to harmonize that energy. Some examples to consider: -Tumors are an abundance of rogue cells. -Being overweight or under weight: too many cells or not enough cells. -High blood pressure and low blood pressure. -Addictions: too many toxins in the system (toxic substances, thoughts, habits, etc). -Dry skin: not enough oil. To bring it all back: liver function energy is about the vascular system, which literally touches every single cell in our body. It is delivering nutrients, oxygen, and energy while clearing out the trash, removing the carbon dioxide, carrying away anything that is not serving the greatest good of the system anymore. In this way it is also protecting our system, and strengthening our ability to function properly. In addition to holding the middle finger, we can help balance the liver function energy by placing one hand one the back of the neck at the base of the occipital bone, right where the head and neck join. (Place your hands there, and nod your head “yes”. You will feel the hinging motion of the head as it moves back and forth over the very top of the neck.) Your other hand will be resting just below the collar bone, on the front of the body. Ideally, we begin with the hands touching these areas on the left side of the body, while receiving at least three full and relaxed breaths. Then switch sides, and place the hands on these areas on the right side of the body while again receiving three full and relaxed breaths. Exhale fully, and make space for the inhale to come in. Smile, and drop the shoulders. With gratitude and love from Exquisite Healing, Amy & Tait www.exquisitehealing.com |
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