Hello friends! Our last post was all about the thumbs. What about the index fingers? Do you have a sore spot there, or maybe a slight deformation of those pointers? Let's take a minute to look at that, and see what we come up with.
Our index fingers are the connection to our feelings of faith and courage. When this energy gets all wack-a-doodle, we can experience fear. Or as Mary Burmeister would say: False Evidence Appearing Real. Physically, the first finger is all about our kidneys and bladder. The body has a few different methods of filtering out all the junk we put in there, and the kidneys are on the front line of that task. Once they clean the blood, the waste is stored in the bladder until it's time for elimination. Our bodies are funny. If there's any question about whether or not something needs to be eliminated, it gets stored. (Personally, I tend to be the opposite. Living in a tiny house inspires me to embody the motto "when in doubt, throw it out". Hahaha!) We're not just talking about our urine, and the other lovely things that come out of our bodies as waste. We are also talking about thoughts that need to be tossed out, habits that are no longer serving us, ways of emotionally relating (or not relating) to other beings. You name it. If it's something that can be released, it can be stored in the bladder energy until that magical moment. Now, let's connect these dots. What if somebody has an overactive bladder, or their kidneys are always aching, or maybe this is a person who is afraid of everything, or maybe they have a hard time letting go of stuff? What can this person do to bring balance back into this part of their life? Hold the index fingers, and take at least 3 nice, deep, relaxed breaths. Remember to exhale all the way, and really support that elimination process. Do this at least once a day. More is better. Sending you love and gratitude from Exquisite Healing! Amy & Tait 🙌💚
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