My Mom was an incredible human being. She was overflowing with compassion... for everyone except herself. I am not here to tell her story, yet it is one that I think about often. My Mom’s life and how she lived it have left a major impression on me. Looking through the previous blog posts, I realized the last post I created was shortly after she transitioned out of her physical body. I also made note of the fact that the next post I intended to share would be about the Lung Function energy. This is interesting on so many levels. In hindsight, I see the correlation between this intention and the now-infamous pandemic. I also acknowledge a profound personal connection for me as I was struggling to find the space I needed to grieve the passing of my Mom in the midst of Covid. It is curious that it took me four years to pick up where I left off.
From the time I was a little girl, I had challenges connecting with my Mom. Did I love her? Absolutely! With all my heart. Was it a strained relationship at times? Yes, and now I see that it can be easier to understand situations like this once we can step away from them. I believe we choose our family, especially our parents, before we come into these physical bodies. I am just now recognizing that I chose her to teach me about receiving unconditional love in the face of heartache and loss. She was teaching me that I was worthy of LOVE, no matter what. She was teaching me that I AM LOVE, and that to separate me from LOVE would be impossible. Pretty big lessons... So here we are today, coming together to BE in this space where the notion of Lung Function energy has so much more to do with the Breath of Life than we could ever imagine. When we are born, we receive the first breath outside of the mother’s womb. We are receiving consciousness incarnate. This energy of physical consciousness, of LOVE, is required to sustain life. It will be with us until we exhale our final breath and leave our physical body. In this light, we can begin to understand why the Lung Function energy is referred to as “I AM”. It is associated with Aries, the planet Venus, movement, beginnings, our deep skin, and relationships. When it is harmonized, Lung Function energy is all about happiness and joy. Physically, our lungs are feeding the rest of the system: bringing oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide (as well as some trace amounts of other elements) to every single cell in our body. For the average adult female, that’s about 28 trillion cells. I don’t know about you, but for me that number is practically incomprehensible. Let’s just say the lungs have an extremely important role to play in keeping us alive. We have discussed in previous posts how interconnected everything is. The energetic self, physical self, mental self, spiritual self are all in direct relationship with each other and everything in existence all the time. Here’s an analogy to consider: we can look at a ray of sunshine and agree that it seems to be a separate thing. Yet, without the sun, it would not exist, and without the ray of sunshine many other things on planet Earth would be impacted (people, plants, animals, weather patterns, etc.) To really get into the substance of the Lung Function energy, we need to embrace these concepts. As we are sharing the Breath with All that Is, we ARE All that Is. “I AM”, LOVE, JOY: all very powerful healers. In sharp contrast to her loving nature, there was an underlying sadness to my Mom’s life. The attitude of sadness and grief are inextricably joined to the Lung Function energy. She was a gentle human, and in this space where the “outside” world meets the “inside” world there was imbalance for her. You do not need me to tell you that the world we are living in is ripe with conflict and less than positive experiences. This can be energetically crushing to somebody like my Mom. Several years before she died, she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. I am not a doctor, but what I can tell you about this project is that a side-effect of this condition is that the lungs can fill with fluid. As the energetic Lung Function imbalance progresses, we may experience things like chest congestion, chronic coughing, and shortness of breath. Literally, the lungs are refusing to receive the energy of the “outside” world. The project, however, sits with the fact that the Breath of Life is mixed in with the challenges we inhale from the “outside” world, and that contrast is necessary for our spiritual growth. Our lungs and the Lung Function energy are the foundation for the energy of the entire system, body/mind/spirit. As the breath becomes chronically shallow and labored, the deep-seated grief and sadness could become energetically heavier than the Breath of Life, tipping the scales. If left unchecked, the soul will leave the body. That foundation we just talked about will not be stable enough to support life. It is with immense heart-felt gratitude that I share this story. Without experiencing life through the lens of my Mom’s reality, I would not be here today writing these words. She was a perfect teacher, and listener. Thankfully, we have some options when it comes to the desire to BE in harmony with our Lung Function energy. Our ring fingers have a lovely link to our attitudes of happiness and joy. As such, any time we need a boost in those areas, we can simply hold them. Check out my previous post that specifically highlights the amazing ring fingers. Another way to support balancing this foundational energy is through what we call the “Lung Flow Anchor Step”; we hold the same side SEL 14 + opposite side SEL 22. What on earth does that mean? Haha... if you are not familiar with Safety Energy Locks (SELs), have no fear! I’ll break it down here. Maybe you’ve heard of chakras, or acupuncture points? SELs are similar in that they are areas of concentrated energy. They are the size of your palm (or the size of a paw or foot; it is proportional to the individual), 3-dimensional, spherical, and always moving. We have 26 SEL pairs throughout the body, and each pair has a specific “job” assigned to them. The area where we find our collar bones on the physical body is lovingly referred to as SEL 22. There are two of them, one on the right and one on the left. The vibration of this SEL is one pertaining to “I AM happy and content wherever I AM”. By gently placing the hands on this area, we are helping to balance the energy being expressed by this SEL. SEL 14 is found at the area around the base of the front of the rib cage. The right and left SEL 14s are supporting our equilibrium and our sustenance. Balance: every cell in the body must decide what to allow in and what to keep out. Together SEL 22 and SEL 14 support balancing the Lung Function energy. Now, we said “hold same side SEL 14 + opposite side SEL 22”. What that means is you will hold, for example, your right SEL 14 (bottom of rib cage) with your right hand while at the same time holding your right SEL 22 (collar bone) with your left hand. You will cross your left hand over your body to the “opposite side” collar bone. The next part is super important! If you want this to work, you absolutely must do this: breathe. That’s it! Ideally, you can take a moment and relax someplace quiet while you slow your breathing down, but even a quicky has the power to reset the flow pattern. In a perfect world, you would have 20 minutes to relax like this; exhaling fully to make space for a beautiful and rich inhale of the Breath of Life. This is your soul’s joyous outcry of “I AM” and it is marvelous! With love and gratitude, Amy & Tait Exquisite Healing
Amy A Ehn &